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Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 8:Shared society —— A Vision for the Global Future of Latin America
Alejandro Toledo
Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 1: Latin America 2040
Harinder Kohli, Claudio Loser, Anil So
Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 10: China and emerging Markets
Editor: Hu Biliang
Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 7: Explorations in Development 2015 —— Selected Master Theses of Emerging Markets Institute, Beijing Normal University
Edited by Hu Biliang, Tu Qin, Pan Ha
Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 6: New Framework for Sino-Latin American Economic Cooperation
Authors: Hu Biliang, Guo Cunhai, Gina Caballero
Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 11: Expression of Belt and Road
Hu Biliang, Pan Qingzhong, Liu Qingjie, Liu Qian
Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 5: 21st Century Capitalism
Author: Clemente Ruiz Duran Editor: Hu Biliang
Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 12: A Summary of Belt and Road
Editor:Hu Biliang, Nie Ying, Liu Qian, Liu Qingjie
Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 13: Calculation, ranking and Evaluation of Comprehensive Development level of countries along Belt and Road
Hu Biliang, Pan Qingzhong, Wu Shu
Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 3: Africa 2050
Theodore Ahlers, Callisto Madavo,Harinder Kohli,
Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 9: Central Asia in 2050
Rajat M. Nag ,Johannes F. Linn,Harinder Kohli
Library of Emerging Markets Institute No. 4: Reform of the international monetary system
Jack T. Boorman, Andre Icard
Report on Economic and Social Development of Countries along Belt and Road
Emerging Markets Institute, Belt and Road Research
Belt and Road is in progress -- Marking the fifth anniversary of proposing the Belt and Road Initiative
Hu Biliang
China's Key to Success—— Commemorating 40 years of Reform and opening up
Hu Biliang
Belt and Road Initiative: Why, What and How
Hu biliang
Belt and Road and Globalization Transformation
Emerging Markets Institute, Belt and Road Research
Analysis of National Resources along "Belt and Road"
Liu Qingjie